Aug 07 2011

How To Capture Screen Shots On An Android Device Using MyPhoneExplorer Client

You can either take screen shots using the Android SDK or you can use an app like MyPhoneExplorer Client. Here are instructions for using MyPhoneExplorer Client.

1. Download MyPhoneExplorer Client.

2. Download and install MyPhoneExplorer SW for your PC.

3. Connect your phone to your PC via a USB cable. Make sure the correct drivers are installed for your device. If you don’t have the correct drivers, follow the USB device driver instructions from the instructions to capture a screen shot using the Android SDK here.

4. Make sure USB debugging on your phone is checked. On your phone, Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging

5. Open MyPhoneExplorer on your PC.

6. Open MyPhoneEplorere Client on your device.

7. On MyphoneExplorer on your PC, Connect to your device by pressing F1 or File -> Connect.

8. After you’re connected, load a screen shot under Extras. Extras -> Load screenshot

9. Now a screenshot will pop up.

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