Oct 24 2015

Total Widgets. New Android app that focuses on app widgets.

1. What is the name of your app or product?
Total Widgets

2. What is the download link for your app or product and how much does it cost?

It is free with several options of In App Purchases

3. Who is the developer?

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

5. What does your app or product do? Please describe the best features of it.
You can add different widgets to your Android phone. The app connects to different APIs to obtains its information. Currently it has around 40 different kind of widgets (news, currencies, weather, music, sports, etc)
New widgets are easy to add and the idea is to open its API.

6. What makes your app or product different from similar apps or products?
App widgets are like mini apps and the other apps focus on only one or 2 subjects (clock, weather or currencies).
Also, the idea is to open an API so other developers can create their own widgets (for the public or for internal uses).

7. Who does your app or product target?
Everyone that wants some kind of information on the home screen of his phone

8. Where did you get the idea for your app or product?
The idea came because I needed a currency widget, a weather widget and a news widget and I had to install 3 different applications.

9. How have you marketed your app or product?
I have not marketed the app.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app or product.
They are attached

feature-graphic_en screenshots_play_store_bg_en screenshots_play_store_main_en tablet_10_en

11. (Optional) Include any other information you would like to add

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