Nov 03 2015

AVStream Updater lite

1. What is the name of your app or product?

AVStream Updater lite

2. What is the download link for your app or product and how much does it cost?
Price = Free

3. Who is the developer?

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?,, @aerialviewTV

5. What does your app or product do? Please describe the best features of it.

AVStream Updater lite updates the links and interface of the AVStream media player so the user can watch from a huge list of movies, tv shows, live TV and sports.

6. What makes your app or product different from similar apps or products?

The difference with our app is it’s ease of use, huge library of media content, regular updates and UK based company.

7. Who does your app or product target?

The main user avatar is 30 – 45, male.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app or product?

A combination of Netflix and nowTV

9. How have you marketed your app or product?

Facebook and twitter ads

10. Include screen shots or video from your app or product.

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