Dec 16 2015

Badger Rush

1. What is the name of your app or product?

Badger Rush

2. What is the download link for your app or product and how much does it cost?

It’s a Free app.

3. Who is the developer?

Mazombo Gaming, a team of two developers.

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

Website : , Facebook :

5. What does your app or product do? Please describe the best features of it.

It’s a fun, addictive, simple game where the objective of the game is to collect fruit and rare items, and block/dodge/shoot bad items to survive. As time goes on, items drop faster and it becomes harder to survive. You must use your stamina and ammo amount at the right times to survive efficiently. You gain ranks and achievements for actions within the game, and can keep playing to beat your previous high-scores.

Main Features
-Large selection of achievements
-Special rare drops
-Ranks indicating your success
-Blocking & Magic moves
-Top 3 High-score system
-Most importantly, it features awesome Badgers.

6. What makes your app or product different from similar apps or products?

Badger Rush is the only catcher game to feature cute badgers! The game play is simple but creates a challenging situation since the game gradually gets more difficult whilst remaining fun, which is unique for a catcher game. It’s also unique in how colorful and addictive it is, whilst providing an incentive for repeated plays with achievements, rare items and score ranks to climb. Most catching games are very easy to play, and Badger Rush tries to balance the gap between fun and difficulty in new ways, such as with the block and magic shot features.

7. Who does your app or product target?

Badger Rush is designed for everyone to play and have fun with, but due to it’s cartoon nature, it definitely appeals to a younger audience.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app or product?

We’re based in the UK, where Badgers are a well known animal. It’s our first game, and we wanted to make a simple, cute game, that was fun to play.

9. How have you marketed your app or product?

Using facebook, review sites, and by word of mouth.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app or product.

badger rushbadger rush 3badger rush 2

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