Nov 07 2015

Color Tubes by Saturo

1. What is the name of your app or product?

Color Tubes by Saturo

2. What is the download link for your app or product and how much does it cost?


3. Who is the developer?


4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

5. What does your app or product do? Please describe the best features of it.

Musical puzzle. 49 levels, 17 music tracks, 140 music videos.

When you begin to create harmony, you will be hard to stop.

Create closed tube systems to delete them. Match tube end colors. The bigger closed system the more points is given. With difficulty level growth the tube variation is increased, as well as points awarded for tubes deletion. Unlock higher difficulty levels and music tracks. Double tap to rotate tube clockwise.

6. What makes your app or product different from similar apps or products?

Different approach to classic tube puzzle idea. This puzzle is really hard comparing to other tube puzzles. Also this game serves as promotional tool for some talented artists.

7. Who does your app or product target?

Everyone who like hard puzzles and good music.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app or product?

Tube puzzles exist for many years, as well as color matching puzzles. The idea of this puzzle is a hybrid of two these ideas.

9. How have you marketed your app or product?

Forums and ad systems.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app

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