Feb 25 2012

Contract Killer

Description: Enforcer or Assassin, call it what you like – you’re a CONTRACT KILLER.
They might call you an enforcer, or an assassin. Call it what you like – you’re a CONTRACT KILLER.
Pulled into a world of bounty hunters, mobsters and criminals, you must check in with your contacts and accept SECRET MISSIONS that only you can handle. Select your WEAPON OF CHOICE from an inventory of sniper rifles, assault rifles and machine guns. Locate your target, zoom in, take aim and GO FOR THE HEADSHOT to earn cold hard cash. You might eliminate a crime boss and escape without being spotted, or you might walk straight into an AMBUSH…
Prepare for your mission and then jump into one of many vantage points within 5 gritty 3D locations
17 Story Missions and unlimited Random Missions provide cash, XP and lots of action
20 distinct weapons including handguns, sniper rifles, machine guns and assault rifles
Use the Tranquilizer Gun to capture your target or put them down… permanently
Twitter @glumobile

Cost: Free

Developer: Glu Mobile

Contract Killer is hands down one of the best free games on Android!

Contract Killer’s graphics are spectacular, sound is realistic, and game play is fast, fun and violent. Contract Killer contains a great story line with lots of missions in various settings. The missions require different types of weapons and skills which keep the game interesting. Interact with friends on Facebook.

Contract Killer can be played without spending extra money on credits to buy equipment. Of course, buying credits will make the game go faster, but it’s completely possible to play the entire game without spending a dime on credits. You will earn credits by achieving mile stones.

Contract Killer is a large game and you’ll need at least 100MB on your SD card before you can play. Extra files for the game will be downloaded when you first open the app.  Contract Killer is a fairly resource intensive game, so you’ll need a powerful enough device to play it smoothly.

Contract Killer is even better on a tablet. It’s scaled perfectly.

Download Here

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One Response to “Contract Killer”

    1. Pingback by Contract Killer for Android – Review & Gameplay | Android Market on March 13, 2012 at 8:01 pm

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