Sep 11 2015

Explode the Ducks – New Challenging Shooter!

1.What is the name of your app?
Explode the Ducks

2. What is the download link for your app and how much does your app cost?
APP is free with ads

3. Who is the developer?
Happii Gamer

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

5. What does your app do? Please describe the best features of your app.
What the app does: this is a game where you have to tap the screen to shoot. You can only shoot into one direction, and your bullets all fly at the same speed. The point of the game is that you have to synchronize your shots, so that your bullets hit the target. As for what it’s best features are: 1. Simple, but challenging, 2. Leaderboards, and 3. Achievements.

6. What makes your app different from similar apps?
I don’t think this sort of gameplay exists in any other game, and that is what makes Explode the Ducks very different from other apps. You have no control over the direction of where you are shooting, but only on the specific time when you want to shoot. In other words, its simplicity and gameplay is what make Explode the Ducks unique.

The most comparable game I found was Zombiebirds, however, in ZombieBirds you have control on direction and speed of your shots.

7. Who does your app target?
Everyone who like to play quick noncommittal games

8. Where did you get the idea for your app?
While working on a Zombie tap to kill game, and some concepts from Flappy bird.

9. How have you marketed your app?
Arcade game – released on Google Play and Amazon
Promoted on Facebook, using Ad Mob, and on various indie game websites

10. Include screen shots or video from your app

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