Nov 21 2015

FitFlap Motion

1.     What is the name of your app?

FitFlap Motion

2.     What is the download link for your app and how much does it cost?

FitFlap Motion is free to download, with inApps purchases.

3.     Who is the developer?

BreakFirst is the developer.

4.     What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

Website :

Facebook :

Twitter :

5.     What does your app do? Please describe the best features of your app.

FitFlap is a one-of-a-kind fun fitness experience in which players take active responsibility for the weight loss – or gain – of their in-game characters, and maybe burn a few calories themselves in the process. In the game, players physically flap their arms to flutter their way through a series colorful challenges and really get that heart pumping.

This game can also be played in touch mode and can be cast on TV with Chromecast!

6.     What makes your app different from similar apps?

FitFlap is a Fun fitness game using innovative tech and built-in camera to deliver responsive motion gaming on Android. It precisely follows the player’s physical movements and translates them into distance flown.

7.     Who does your app target?

FitFlap targets young and old alike.

8.     Where did you get the idea for your app?

After the Flappy bird success in 2013, we thought it would be fun to create a runner in the same basic idea but to add a fitness dimension, thanks to our motion detection.

So we combined fun and fitness to encourage physic activity while playing. The name FitFlap comes from Fitness (Fit) and from flapping the arms to fly (Flap).

9.     How have you marketed your app?

As a main strategy, we worked with Google to make sure our application is compatible with Chromecast. Thus, Google has featured FitFlap on the Chromecast Android Store.

10.  Include screen shots or video from your app


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