Sep 18 2015

Fishy Jump

1. What is the name of your app?
Fishy Jump

2. What is the download link for your app and how much does your app cost?
This is a free app. Download link here:

3. Who is the developer?
Crunchy Melon

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

5. What does your app do? Please describe the best features of your app.
My app is a simple game, reminiscent of Crossy Roads or Flappy Bird. You simply tap to jump out of the water to eat food while avoiding the bombs and missiles. It has very cute animations and lots of fish to unlock.

6. What makes your app different from similar apps?
It’s a mini-app and i don’t think i’ve seen any app similiar. But i think the quick pace and cute animations make it fun.

7. Who does your app target?
This game can be played by anyone.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app?
I wanted to make an original game, after lots of brainstorming i came up with this idea.

9. How have you marketed your app?
I’ve just done my own marketing so far, i’ve contacted a few review sites.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app

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