Jul 06 2014

Willie’s Web

“Willie’s Web” a spidertastic game where you have to help the hungry Willie.
The protagonist in this game is Willie, a fun but always hungry spider that you guide with your finger to help him catch flies. The controls are dead-easy, you either tap and drag anywhere on the web or use simple taps to let Willie know where to go. Willie is always hungry so feed him the green flies that get stuck in the web but keep an eye on his evil sisters as they’ll knock Willie off the web with a single touch. Here’s the features that make Willie’s Web a fun little game:
– Easy gameplay, just tap where you want the spider to go and he’ll quickly follow. The farther you point, the quicker he’ll move, so think big.
– Quick tutorial helps you figure out what you have to do in a few simple steps
– Share your highest score on the leaderboard and access achievements by connecting your Google+ account
– Custom soundtrack and action sounds add up to the fun though you can also disable those if needed
– Infinite play mode where in the end your score is the one that counts. It’s a matter of how long Willie can stay on the web and feed.
– Easy start, insane ending. The flies are plentiful and in the beginning there’s only a single enemy, but everytime Willie gets full and burps another dreadful sister shows up, so the game gets difficult very fast which makes it in turn addictive.

How long can you keep Willie on the web? Find out by installing the game for free from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gameswasted.williesweb




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