Jul 09 2014

20 Minute Guided Meditations


I want to recommend an android app “20 Minute Guided Meditations”.

In our frantic modern world, meditation is becoming more and more popular as people search for ways to relax, de-stress, accelerate their spiritual development and enhance their quality of life.

It’s really no surprise that meditation is becoming so common nowdays, as it has so many positive benefits to offer.

One of the easiest ways to experience the overall benefits of meditation is to listen to a guided meditation.

Can you think of anything more effortless and relaxing than listening to tranquil music while you are guided into a state of deep meditation?

“20 Minute Guided Meditations ” is Effortless! And also Meditation plus visualization brings
the awesome power behind guided meditations

Of course, different people have different goals and needs, and with that in mind, “20 Minute Guided Meditations” can be tailored to achieve specific outcomes such as:

• Improving clarity in life
• Spiritual development
• Experiencing elation, freedom and expanded awareness
• Emotional and physical healing
• Enhancing creativity
• Profoundly deep relaxation
• Increasing confidence and personal empowerment
• Opening the heart and healing relationships
• Curing negativity or self defeating behaviours
• Improving performance in business or sports
• Resolving psychological difficulties

“20 Minute Guided Meditations” is more than just a healthy way of dealing with stress; they can be used to enhance your quality of life in many ways.

When combined with relaxing meditation music a guided meditation becomes an immersive experience that can transport you into a vivid inner dimension of freedom, inspiration, healing and joy.

Here the link of this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bayart.minuteguidedmeditations

Thank you and have a good day…



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