Aug 03 2013

3D Home App: Feel The Real Time Immersive 3D Experience In your Phone Desktop

One good thing about the Android operating system and the Android smartphones nowadays is its ability to become fully customizable solely depending on the preferences of its user. From the fully customizable icon, app shortcuts and widgets to the home screen itself, there is really no telling what other amazing things the Android operating system and its smartphones can do. And when talking about customizable home screens, Android of course has hundreds and thousands of different applications that would not only give its user a sense of customized ownership but a different kind of user experience as well with the diverse kinds of home screen apps out in the Android Play Store today. And one of the most talked about and one of the most exciting home screen app for Android today is none other than the 3D Home app by Borqs Ltd.

3d Home


A Succinct Intro
From the guys that brought you the File Manager app, Blocker Antispam and Ivy Share come 3D Home app, one of the most exciting and interactive home screen app in the Android community today. Tired of your Android phone’s old and boring home screen and want to try something new? 3D Home does that for you. This latest innovation from Borqs Ltd. transforms your home screen into a 3D rendered house that is both realistic and of course, fully customizable. With 3D Home, you can move through various app icons horizontally and vertically with ease. Plus you can also rotate the walls, the ceiling, and floor to open up various icons that are displayed on your Android phone or tablet’s home screen. And because the home app is fully customizable, you can choose which furniture to have on a certain area purely based on your choice and preferences.

3d Home 1

The 3D Home app requires handsets to have at least Android version 4.0.2 or above on the system and RAM of at least 1 gigabyte to for the app to work to its maximum capacity. When your smartphone has these minimum system requirements, then be ready to have the 3D Home experience a lot of people have been talking about. Plus with the recent updates, 3D Home app now has:

-New table, house and tablet
-Support for changing desks by long clicking
-Support for the feature View Adjustment in the home screen which you can easily do by yourself
-Weather module newly enhanced
-Application size reduced
If you still haven’t got this wonderful home app in your phone now, you may do so by simply downloading 3D Home app from Android Play Store today.

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One Response to “3D Home App: Feel The Real Time Immersive 3D Experience In your Phone Desktop”

    1. Comment by kukukun on August 6, 2013 at 7:46 pm

      Hope more people like it , thought there are some disadvantages in it .

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