Aug 16 2013

5 Wedding Apps Every Future Bride Needs In Her Collection

Wedding Apps

Who doesn’t love planning their wedding? From the moment your boyfriend slips a ring on your finger you have a lot of work to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be hard. Not if you do it right, and you’re lucky because there are some cool apps that can help you get prepared. We’re going to take a look at them in case you think you need a little extra help. You want to keep on top of everything because you will enjoy your wedding day a lot more.

Gift Registry 360

Gift Registry 360 Itunes

You won’t have to worry about your guests being confused about what to buy you because of the Gift Registry 360 app. When you see something you like you can just scan the barcode and the product will be added to your list. People will be able to go in and look at it then they can click the link at the side of each product in order to buy it for you. Get ready to acquire lots of new goodies on your big day.


Fitocracy Android App

What is the most important thing you will need to get ready for your big day? Some people will say it’s the dress, but they don’t know what they’re talking about. You won’t care what the dress looks like if you don’t feel great wearing it, so you will need an app that is going to help you look your best. Fitocracy is like a personal trainer inside your pocket and it will help you look the best you can be before you walk down the aisle.

Wedding Snap

Wedding Snap Android

If you’re like most people you will hire a great professional photographer, but they can’t be everywhere at once. A lot of amazing things will happen at your wedding and you don’t want to rely on one person to take the photos. If you use Wedding Snap it means anyone with a smartphone can take photographs for you. Everyone will have access to them and you will have more amazing photos than you could ever imagine.


Carmindy App

We’ve talked about how you can end up with an amazing body, but you will then need to make sure your makeup is perfect. The Carmindy app will teach you how to apply makeup better than most beauty therapists could do. Don’t worry because you can still enjoy getting pampered before the big day. It’s just that using the app will teach you a lot of things and you will be able to choose the style you want before anyone goes near your face.

Pocket Yoga

Pocket Yoga Android

Everyone always forgets about how stressful a wedding can be. Don’t wait until you’re too anxious to think straight because it’s going to bring you down. Pocket Yoga is a great app that will teach you how to perform some great poses that will melt the stress away. Not only will you feel great leading up to the wedding, but you will be able to hold your nerves a lot better when you’re the center of attention

Ryan Hall is an ardent blogger who likes to share his opinions about various things. He is currently a part of Lior Diamonds, a company specializing in radiant cut diamonds and designs. Click here for more information on his opinions regarding design and current trends.

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