Jun 28 2015

Keep track of your kids with Digital Chaperone

1. What is the name of your app?

Digital Chaperone

2. What is the download link for your app?


3. Who is the developer?

Innovation Squad Ltd

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?


Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DigitalChaperone and https://www.facebook.com/isquad111

twitter @innovation_sqd @Digi_Chaperone

5. What does your app do? Please describe the best features of your app. Helps Parent monitor the apps their kids are using.

Digital Chaperone gives parents the tools to help their children become more digitally responsible without having to monitor their every keystroke.

Fully interactive between Parent and Child, which is always aware of Digital Chaperone running on his/her device. NO Payment Details Required. Parent Phone is not monitored. Phone number / Email address is captured for registration of the parent and child device only.

1. App Management and Supervision. D.C. lets you manage and supervise all the apps on your family’s Android devices. The app connects your own device to any which are used by your children/ teenagers, allowing you to access the list of apps installed on each child’s device. D.C. also allows you to review the details and maturity levels of every app and then approve or request/instruct the child to remove each one.

2. Child Locator and Panic Button. D.C. allows you to not only locate your children’s devices, but also provides your children with a panic button, which they can use at any time if they need to get your attention. This alarm system will also automatically let you know where your child is.

3. Time Out. D.C provides you a simple way to define set times at which your children/teenagers are approved for use apps on their devices. During “Time Out”‘s the apps on your child’s devices will not be accessible. This allows you, for example, to remove these as distractions during study hours or family time or use access to apps as a reward for good behavior.

6. What makes your app different from similar apps?

Free unlimited use additional features coming soon. Simple to setup and simple to use.

7. Who does your app target?

Parents with children between the ages of 8 and 18.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app?

I am a father and and was not able to find any other apps available that were Parental Assurance Apps and NOT “SPY” Apps like with “Parental Control”

9. How have you marketed your app?

Bootstrapping all marketing is being done via social media for now and until additional investment has been agreed.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app Please see files attached.

Digital Chaperone 2

Digital Chaperone 3

Digital Chaperone 4

Digital Chaperone

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