Jul 23 2013

Discover How To Use Ultrasonic Technology Directly From Your Smartphone In Order To Control Pests That May Enter Your Home

Pests, such as insects, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats and mice can be a real handful for many households. You may find that your home has become infested with certain critters and this is causing you no end of discomfort. Many of these pests enter our homes due to food substances lying around, although the climate, certain weather conditions and particular seasons of the year will also attract many of these unwanted visitors.

In order to remove these pests from your home you may typically hire the services of a pest control company, although this can cause a great deal of upheaval in your life. Most companies will look to rid your home of these pests with the minimum of hassle to you, but this may still cause problems in the meantime. With that being said, there are a number of smartphone apps in the marketplace that can do an equally good job in ridding your home of these unwanted insects and animals.

Easy Pest Control

The “Easy Pest Control” app is a fast and easy way to repel some of the more common pests found in homes. You can literally rid your home of rats and mice, cockroaches and mosquitos with nothing more than a click of a button. The app uses ultrasonic technology, as well as the technology of bimodal sinusoidal audio. This simple use of technology can repel any number of critters, thus ensuring that your home is yours and yours alone once again.

It must be said that these audio and ultrasonic frequencies will cause these pest discomfort, although you should be aware that this is done in an extremely humane way. No harm will actually come to these pests they will simply be repelled by the various frequencies. Many pest control companies will use the exact same technology to rid your home of these pests, but will typically charge a fair amount of money for their services. You may also find that you will have to wait a few days for the service, which may cause a build up of these unwanted visitors.

What Users Have to Say

The vast majority of users of the app have been extremely complimentary about it and you will find many positive reviews. There are comments that mention that a possible infestation problem has been cured in a matter of mere minutes and these creatures were almost immediately repelled by the audio and ultrasonic frequencies produced by the app. So, you’ve saved yourself a lot of money and have made your home pest free.

As a whole, the app has received some very positive feedback and it seems this is an ideal way to rid your home of rats, mice and any other unwanted creatures. These pests can cause many problems around the home, as they typically gnaw away at anything they can get their teeth into, including rubbish bags containing food and even electrical cables.


The “Easy Pest Control” app can be found in the Lifestyle category of Google Play and is completely free to download. You will require an operating system of Android 2.1 and upwards.


Mark Thompson works with Imperial Pest Control in Canada. Since he believes in fresh organic food, he grows his own vegetables in his small garden patch. Whenever he isn’t busy, he enjoys spending time with his family.

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