Jun 17 2013

Skills Needed To Develop Android Apps

Android is undoubtedly the most popular and widely used platform for app development. Google Play, which is Android’s App Store, has numerous applications that are intended to create an exciting experience for every user.

There are great benefits that are associated with app creation, and one lucky lot from all these is the one that comprises of app developers. These creative professionals have been able to earn revenue from apps. Some of them earn from paid apps, while others earn from free apps. The revenue from paid apps comes from the end users, while the revenue from free apps comes from advertisers. All in all, app development has become such a lucrative venture for those who possess the right skills to do the job.

Most newbies who dream of becoming successful android app developers always seek the answer to this question; what are the skills needed to develop android apps? Well, the sorts of skills needed are determined by the type of app that a developer intends to create. Nevertheless, there are those basic skills that an app developer must possess in order to create any kind of Android app. They are discussed below: –

  1. An Android app developer must have perfect knowledge of Java, which is the most utilized programming language in web and software development. Currently, Java is being heavily utilized in mobile-based applications. This makes it critically essential for app developers to be conversant with this programming language.
  2.  Extensive knowledge of C, C++, SQL and XML is a must. It is also necessary for an app developer to be conversant with APIs.
  3. An android app developer must also be well versed with 2D and 3D graphics and animations.
  4. A good android app developer must also be efficient in managing the SDK kit. This helps to facilitate the procedures of app development in a highly flexible manner.
  5. It is also vital for an app developer to have a good understanding of third party libraries.
  6. A developer should also keep himself updated on the current app development tools and technologies. Social media networks are a great source of news related to current trends in Android app development.

Besides the above skills, a good Android app developer must utilize some well-thought-of strategies in order for him to come up with a strong application. The first strategy that works well at all times is to develop a simple application. Simple applications make it easy for users to have a better understanding of their devices.  This enables them to make optimal use of the android apps in a very efficient way. Another important strategy that a developer should use is to stick to his fundamentals even when developing the most advanced applications on the market.

When designing an android app, a developer must stick to all the norms and ethics that are fundamental in app development. It is important for a developer to try as much as possible to come up with an application that will ultimately result in fulfilling the user’s needs and requirements. Both novices and experts in app development should keep in mind that there are no quick ways of achieving success in the world of Android app development. One has to be focused and honest in what he does in order to get fair results.

As an android app developer, it is important for you to consider the monetary gain that is brought about by this venture. Whether you intend to develop free or paid apps, it’s imperative that you have the necessary skills to design apps that are useful. You must remember that there are numerous Android apps on Google Play and it can be hard for a single app to be noticed. Therefore, it is advisable for you to focus on developing apps that simply stand out. If you intend to have a larger fan base, you must determine whether your apps are engaging enough for android users to utilize them often. Fun and exciting games can attract more users, thus push you closer to success. It has been noted that most users love freebies, thus advisable for you to focus more on creating free apps, and get paid by advertisers for your amazing work.

Author Bio:- Kamna D, is Technical Writer at TechAhead Software, a team of dedicated Android developers. Kamna loves to spend her time reading tech blogs.

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One Response to “Skills Needed To Develop Android Apps”

    1. Comment by Amanda Disouza on June 19, 2013 at 11:21 pm

      A good article Kamna, I am looking to make my career in app development your article has been helpful to me.

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