Aug 28 2013

The Top 5 New Business Mobile Apps You Didn’t Know Existed

There are a lot of applications available that you may be familiar with to help with your business ventures. But while some people rely on some the apps that they see when they look at the top lists of the app store, there are also plenty of other lesser known app choices that can be helpful for businesses. Here is a list of the top five new business apps that you didn’t know existed and how they can help your business.


Chances are that you are using social media to boost your business. But if you are still using multiple programs to manage all of your accounts, you are missing out on the benefits that an app like Buffer provides. Buffer allows you to manage multiple accounts and post statuses, images and updates to all of your followers. Furthermore, you can access analytical data and insights, such as who is following your content and what they are saying about it. Buffer is an all in one tool that is extremely useful for businesses.


Fantastical is more than just a quirky name, its one of the most efficient calendar applications available. This application will manage and organize your events in your calendar, depending on their importance, location and other people who are involved. Best yet, you can include people from your contacts or phone book if they are part of the event as well. The more you get familiar with Fantastical, the more you’ll feel like you have your own personal assistant on your computer.


DoubleDutch is a popular mobile conference app. DoubleDutch allows companies to revolutionize business conferences by allowing attendees to become social with one another using the app. It also allows for interactive schedules, breaking news, and so much more. Companies can offer sponsorship opportunities by letting sponsors have branding on the app, or even to let sponsors send out “sponsored messages” during an event. On top of everything else, DoubleDutch even allows companies to track ROI from an event or conference.


If you are a company that needs help when organizing your data and bookkeeping information, Invitbox is a perfect application to help you do just that. With this app, you are given an email address that your customers send information too and then the financial data is extracted directly from it and put into a neat PDF format for you to read. This helps you manage inventory and keep track of your financial situation, with little effort on your part.


You may have heard of Voxer by now, but you still may not be using it or be familiar with how great of an app it is. Voxer is a push-to-talk service that allows you to leave messages for your business associates. If you are one that hates small-talk or even picking up the phone to talk to your contacts, Voxer is the perfect way of simply leaving messages so your associate knows the important details and that is all. Voxer cuts down on time, but adds to productivity.

All of the apps on this list are sure to help you with your business ventures. Each day, new apps are being released and often times it is hard to find the ones that are best for you and your business. However, by using some of these newly popular applications, you can get ahead of the learning curve by those who are unfamiliar with the apps, but also utilize all of the great technology that they offer.

Alton Dean has worked as a mobile app programmer for the past 3 years. For more information on great mobile apps for business and productivity, Alton recommends reading the ComputerWorld Blog.

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