Category: Infographics

Jun 10 2014

The menu to a successful restaurant app according to judo pay


Demand for judo’s services continues to rise rapidly as more British consumers and businesses are focusing on mobile devices to sell goods and make purchases.   Judo’s ready-to-install payment processing platform is specifically built from the ground up for mobile. It can be integrated into an app or mobile web site allowing users to pay by entering card details in a simple secure way whilst processing the payment quickly and efficiently Michael de jongh, VP of Marketing for judo said: ‘Take a look around your restaurant, how many of your customers are on their mobile phone? If your restaurant does […]

Sep 27 2013

What Is the Role Of Smartphones In Our Lives?

What Is the Role Of Smartphones In Our Lives?

This Infographic is produced by Coupon Audit and Android Market Apps . If you would like to place this infographic on your blog, copy and paste the following code. This Infographic is produced by Coupon Audit and Android Market Apps .

Sep 24 2013

The Business of Mobile Marketing (Infographic)


The business of mobile marketing through the years certainly has an interesting history. As technology has evolved throughout the years, the world is no longer one full of spam and pop ups. Marketing of these products has changed dramatically thanks to society becoming more dependent on them and on technology as a whole. The mobile screen is typically the first one to serve as influence among marketers as adults are now spending more time browsing mobile media than magazines and newspapers. Mobile marketing can be dated back to the middle ages, when town criers were used to spread messages. Then, […]

Sep 19 2013

The Rapid Growth of Mobile Technology (Infographic)

the rapid growth of mobile technology

Mobile technology started as a far-fetched dream in the early twentieth century. At a time when most households were having their first land line installed, mobile phones were considered futuristic, even utopian, technology. The first primitive form of wireless phone was developed by Germans at the end of World War I. Slightly later mobile phone-type devices were primarily used to allow well-heeled rail passengers to communicate with the outside world. The next jump in mobile technology occurred in the 1940s, when “car phones” came on the market for the very wealthy who also happened to reside in big cities where […]

Sep 16 2013

What’s the Future Of Retail Business (Infographic)

What’s The Future Of Retail Business

Most of people these days have become digital technologists by osmosis. If we look back analytically over the past 30 years, by means of benefit of hindsight we can see just how much our lifestyles or taste has been changed inordinately according to the digital technologies. On the basis of new technology, we have a natural inclination to think of ourselves as novices. Now if we step back and remember the old moment we got embraced and give ourselves more credit while adapting the changes which are introduced to us over the decades. We use these new technologies and have […]