Oct 20 2015

East Town RPG

1.What is the name of your app?

East Town RPG

2. What is the download link for your app and how much does your app cost?


3. Who is the developer?

8-Bit Garage

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

www.8-bitgarage.com / https://www.facebook.com/EastTownRPG

5. What does your app do? Please describe the best features of your app.

It’s a Clicker Game, with some RPG details. You can choose your PGs out of four, you can level up without caps, you will increase HP, experience and damage (with new weapons), you have mercenaries who’ll get money also when you’re not playing, there are 40+ monsters a final level and a final boss. Each time you finish the game with a new character, there is a funny story, who tells you why that person was to East Town.

6. What makes your app different from similar apps?

It’s super cooooooll.. and overall.. YOU CAN FINISH THE GAME WITHOUT PAY.

7. Who does your app target?

People between 13 to 35. It’s for casual play… or fast games.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app?

Killing zombies by my own. No… around the web, playing games..

9. How have you marketed your app?

No budget… so just blog.. but with low results..

10. Include screen shots or video from your app

easttown rpg easttown rpg2

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