May 29 2013

Why Using A Mobile Phone Can Be Contagious?

Mobile phones have been a staple in the lives of many. These devices have become everything to do many people. It’s a one stop shop for communication of all sorts. People use their phones to text, talk and even see each other as they communicate. There are many studies that spotlight the heavy phone usage as something of a domino effect on society.


People that are observant of others will notice how this chain reaction starts. All one person has to do is take out their mobile phone. Many people have smart phones so the different things that people have access to are endless. People that are observing may not see everyone talking on their phones simultaneously, but an observer will definitely see one cell phone user inspire another to do the same.

The Most Common Places

Idle minds create an atmosphere for cell phone users. It is not uncommon to walk into an airport and see people engrossed in what their phones have to offer. Many people have access to apps and the Internet. Others may be checking messages or looking at photos.

The waiting room for any dentist or doctor will also spark a mobile phone chain reaction. This is another place where people are idle. The phones give patients something to do – aside from reading outdated coffee table magazines – while they wait. There may be a “no cell phone” sign posted, but most people will ignore this if they see someone else using their phone. This is just how contagious the mobile phone has become. People are willing to break the rules of mobile phone usage if they see someone else doing so.

Unconsciously Aware of Mobile Phone Usage

In most cases people may ignore mobile phone signs because they are unaware of just how much they use their cell phone. Someone that checks their email regularly will probably check their email if someone is doing this. A person that doesn’t even talk on the phone regularly may make a call just because someone is making a call.

Bigger Groups Equate to Bigger Patterns 

In many instances seeing someone use a mobile phone is like a real time memory jogger. A person may not have been reminded of who they need to call until they see a phone user or hear part of that person’s conversation. This is quite true with big groups.

When coworkers or colleagues go dine out together this will occur multiple times. Listening to someone call their husband or wife will immediately inspire someone else to do the same. Bigger groups equate to bigger patterns. Oddly, it only takes one person to take a sneak peak at their messages on their phone. This is enough to convince others to divert their attention from the crowd briefly to access their phones.

The contagious pattern of cell phone usage is much more prevalent in the digital age of smartphones. People have more features on their phones that inspire them to use phones more. If someone decides to show family pictures or videos they will typically be interrupted with a counter photo viewing offer from friends. Photo sharing along with apps, entertainment and social media have created a new mobile generation. The contagious mobile phone trend is all a product of these things.

About the author: Chris writes for a website dedicated to providing iPhone app awards to the best developers.

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