Nov 05 2015

Resurgent Rajasthan – Android and iOS App

1. What is the name of your app or product?
Resurgent Rajasthan

2. What is the download link for your app or product and how much does it cost?



*App is free to download

3. Who is the developer?
Mercury Digital Marketing, Jaipur

4. What is the website, facebook, twitter, or any other link for the developer?

5. What does your app or product do? Please describe the best features of it.
From focus sectors to policies, this app sums up all the benefits the State of Rajasthan has to offer to the investor community. And, also about the investor summit, Resurgent Rajasthan 2015 being organised by the Government of Rajasthan to promote the State as an investment destination.

6. What makes your app or product different from similar apps or products?
1.. Ability to chat with other investors and deligates
2. Linkedin login feature
3. Simple User Interface

7. Who does your app or product target?
1. Business man and corporate houses, looking to Invest in Rajasthan or attend Resurgent Rajasthan Partnership event
2. People who want to stay in touch with investment activities in Rajasthan and event updates.

8. Where did you get the idea for your app or product?
Resurgent Rajasthan is a big scale event and seeks international level attention, in such scenario building an App for Android and iOS devices is a logical step.

9. How have you marketed your app or product?
Display Ads, Social Media Promotions, Television Commercials and Newspaper Ads.

10. Include screen shots or video from your app or product.

01_Home-Screen 04_Resurgent-Rajasthan 03_Projects-for-Investment02_Focus-Sector_Auto

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