Sep 09 2013

Why These 5 Android Apps Are The Most Installed

Android devices are among the high-tech and trendy innovations of today. The mobile phone experience has just gotten better with the creation of android apps. This handy device can perform numerous tasks, thanks to applications.

Of course desktops, laptops and net books can perform more than what android phones can do. The 1st one, however, cannot be brought along anywhere. The other two can be bulky and heavy. Android mobile devices, with the creation of applications, may have some limitations yet is capable of various functions.

Google Play has been generous enough to offer a wide array of free and paid Android apps, at around more than 700,000 titles. Of this number, 5 Android apps stand out. They have been installed for more than 500 million times.

1.      Google Play Services
This application was developed by Google and was previously named as Android Market. It is their version of Apple’s App Store and iTunes. This Android app allows users to download music, videos, games, books, magazines, applications and anything one wants in his Android device.

Why Frequently Installed: Clearly the reason is that it is the source of all the perks and features that a person can put in his Android device.

2.      Google Maps
Google is still the developer of Maps. This application is a map and GPS merged into one Android app. It provides all the directions one needs. There even are precise instructions and indicators when to turn and where to go.

Why Frequently Installed: One will never know where he will wind up one day. This is one useful application to ensure that wherever one goes, he will never get lost as long as there is an internet connection.

3.      Gmail
This is an email service provider made by Google. It has been a means of exchanging letters and files all over the world. Google made sure that through this Android app, users can access their mail boxes anytime and anywhere.
Why Frequently Installed: Among the electronic mail service providers, Gmail is one of the most chosen with 425 million users. All of them want access to their accounts on-the-go, right?

my android apps menu #5
4.      YouTube
Since its creation 2005, YouTube is the world’s favorite site for video uploads and viewing. Many figures rose and fell through YouTube video publishing. Google bought it in November 2006 and owns it until now. Google has further made it usable anywhere with the creation of its Android app.

Why Frequently Installed: Although there can be nonsense materials posted in YouTube, it remains to be very much entertaining, useful in many ways and a significant source of the latest information all over the world.

5.      Facebook
Facebook is one of the most successful social media sites ever created. With 1.1 billion users all over the world, the site has surpassed the socialization purpose. It is now one of the top sites used to influence search engine optimization (SEO). Also, it is an active site for online advertisements. Facebook created the Facebook Android app to cater Android devices.

Why Frequently Installed: Facebook allows people to connect and to share with each other their daily lives. Most Facebook users want to be frequently updated with what is trending in the news feed. Besides, the 1.1 billion users explain it.

What these 5 Android Apps have in common is that they all are useful in everyday life and not just for mere entertainment. Even a social media site like Facebook allows sending and downloading of important files like documents and pictures. These Android apps empower the mobile device to assist people with work and transaction everyday with ease of access and convenience.

Andrew is an application developer for a gaming company. He also writes blogs in a technology website. Visit his official site

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